Montag, 16. April 2012

Brain Dead

I planned on blogging about something else today but after script writing for the last 6 hours, my brain is fried! I'll take a break from the computer once I'm done with this post.

It's a simple post actually. Instead of me writing, I'll just post some random pictures. I doubt any of them have been posted here before...

The mother of all rides at Universal Studios Singapore...

Whenever I look at the United States flag, I think of the men and women that are serving in the military. They put their lives on the line so that we can sleep better at night. What's there not to be thankful for?

The Far Far Away Castle. I've always wondered. What's in these buildings. Is it a huge warehouse or is it just empty?!

The sunset at Sentosa is soooo nice! With a beer in hand of course...

The Sentosa Boardwalk is open 24 hours. But it's at night when it truly comes alive. You might even see couples doing the 'AHEM'. Steph and I saw one such couple. It wasn't a pretty sight! LOL!

The pillars that lead up to the ticketing booth along the boardwalk. It's a feast for the eyes!

Here's Gabby my talent manager at Nuffnang. We were having a conversation about alcohol. I was reminding her that she promised to drink with me but she gave a million excuses why she couldn't. In the end? She didn't!

I can't recall what the waiter's name is. Can we just call him Raju? Well Raju was my best friend for the night. Whenever he walked past me, he would smile and serve me a beer. I need more friends like Raju!

Enlai got me up to do a pole dance. Now I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of a stage game. I wonder what I'll do at my next show. Hmm...'s me dancing!

I might do another post later if I can get work done early. If I don't, check back tomorrow. Love and peace to all!

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